Art square★Asakusa Tokyo’s Diary



「WeChat Pay」お得なキャンペーンご案内🉐🉐🉐

Welcome to Kappabashi Shopping Street in Asakusa This is an announcement of a special campaign for WeChat Pay. During business hours from April 27th to May 27th, 2023, you can pay in-store with WeChat Pay WeChat Payのお得なキャンペーンのお…


Welcome to Kappabashi Shopping Street in Asakusa Alipay payment is advantageous from May 1st to 30th. This campaign is valid for over-the-counter payments during business hours, so please take advantage of it. おかげ様で好評につき、またま…


毎度有り難うございます。Art square★Asakusa 5月の営業スケジュールが確定いたしました 営業日数に変わりはありませんが、変則スケジュールとなりますので、恐れ入りますが、どなた様もお間違えの無きようご確認くださいませ。 作家様が創る善き新商品の入…